Wednesday, May 13, 2015


In this assignment I developed my writing technique based on all the topics about my studies field. Practically I enjoy this, because I could improve my writing and develop my critical thinking. I have to accept that this assignment had been very helpful regarding my concentration. Searching for all that information concerning my department helped me clarify my doubts about what I want to pursue in the future. At the beginning my first entry says that I wanted to be a clinical psychologist, and I still hold on to that statement. All that information made me learned what I liked and dislike about my concentration and I decided that in a future I would like to work in a psychiatric hospital, because mental disorders are my best interest.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Serial Murderers

Serial murderers or better known as a multiple murderer is a person who murders three or more people over a period of time that typically ranges between thirty days or more, leaving a cooling period between each murder. The motivation that these criminals had is based on psychological gratification that drives to the act. For years, psychologists have studied the minds of these criminals to know the reason for their actions and had come to some conclusions. There is a theory that explains differentiation between a serial murderer and a normal person: abuse, mental illness and dysfunctional mind, which mean neurological damage.

There are a huge variety of serial murderers, but one that caused great controversy was the serial killer clown, and no is not the clown from the movie “It”, but a man who disguised himself as a clown to catch and kill their victims violently. This began by killing two children and then when he got out of prison he kill eleven prostitutes by strangling them, although there were a lot of more victims. He confirm the theory all ready mentioned because he was found with neurological damage due to many falls that suffered when he was young. The abuses are clearly in his past because when he was a child his mother sexually abused him. Finally he was also diagnosed with mental illness.

Not all serial killers confirm this theory, since there have been cases where murderers do not experience any of those three factors but can be more dangerous and ruthless than the above. The murderers who do not follow this theory are considered psychopaths; they are more dangerous and ruthless. The difference is that the emotional response of a psychopath in less active, meaning they lack of feelings and what drives them to be even more dangerous is the lack of fear. The lack of emotion and fear is who leads them to commit more crimes and deaths.

There are a huge number of serial murderers cases, each with a different story and strategy. What makes this interesting is that the brain of a killer is different of the brain of a normal person, because of the prefrontal cortex, among other characteristics. There are a lot of studies and investigations that identify whether a person is a killed or not. It's a fascinating and important topic in psychology because with these new discoveries it becomes easier to identify these people and prevent them from causing more damage and harm, in order to live in a world with less violence and crime.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Technological Diseases

It's not a secret that technology has advanced in a surprising way that benefits as it affects us. Lately it affects more than it benefits, this is why there is a wide variety of investigations and studies according to technology. Not only there are biological diseases but also there exist diseases or disorders due to technology. Research and studies concerning this aim to know the effects they have on our brain according to the new technologies. These exciting new diseases have to do with the Internet and mobile.

The most common psychological disorders among Internet and mobiles users are: syndrome of the imaginary call, this is when it feels that the phone rings either normal sound mobile or feel you got a message but it is all in the mind, it’s not happening in reality and usually happens when the person is stress out. Nomophobia, is when the person feels phobia about not having their mobile close.  Cyber Dizziness is the most absurd of all but is true and this is when users of virtual reality feel dizzy. Depression by “Facebook” is another disorder, I remember talking about this in my social psychology class, may seem ridiculous, but many people feel depressed to see that other people have "a better life" through “Facebook”. Internet dependence is the most common of all, is when people depend on technology constantly, as the dependence on online games. The “Cibercondria” disorder is when you feel that you have a disease that read or see online at the moment. Finally the Google Effect disorder, has to do when if you are wondering about something you Google it instead of thinking yourself about it.

In the process of acquiring knowledge about this, I conclude that technology is finishing with humanity, I might be exaggerating a little bit but it’s slowly happening over time.  These new diseases may appear to be absurd and ridiculous but it is the reality in which we live today. At least we must recognize that we suffer some of them, because I admit that I suffer from the imaginary call syndrome, perhaps of stress, who knows. I also recognize that these disorders shouldn’t exist, because there are limits and we have the benefit of using the technology to use it right and productively but the reality is that rare time we use it for these purposes. We should be more aware regarding the excessive and unhealthy use we give to technology, because ultimately we are the ones who seem to be affected.