Sunday, March 22, 2015


Depression is an emotional disorder that makes the person feel sad and lethargic, experiencing inner discomfort and hindering their interactions with the environment. We are surrounded daily by people, but to know a person is facing this disorder is a little bit tricky, because this is not something you seen with the naked eye nor people are saying out loud that have depression...well it is not something that common. Unfortunately it is an invisible illness  that like to play with the mind of people who has it. People with this mental illness feels useless, constantly crying, anxious, have low self esteem, low energy, difficulty sleeping, physical in pain and sees future somehow blurred. Depression is caused: biologically, cognitively, by gender, by medications, genetically and for some types of situations.   

       Depression is a bit complex and can be different for each person that has it. People with the disorder can have the same symptoms but can be manifested differently. There is a huge number of very interesting facts regarding this disorder, but most of them are: blurry memory, exercise helps with depression as well as prevent it in the future, causing more physical pain than someone without the presence of this illness and that women suffer this disorder twice as men. The disorder often tends to confuse and because of this, the person who suffer of depression may not being treated properly. It is tended to prejudice a person who is suffering from this disorder, thinking that the person is being weak, slow according to overcome past events, being so dramatic and the worst of all is thinking that the person can control simply this illness. The reality is that the person cannot control this easily and the person that doesn’t have this disorder cannot even imagine how strong and hard is to have it and fight it.

It has to be understood that depression is a common serious illness and not a personal weakness and it can happen to anyone. Currently I know two people who are going through this disorder and I had learned gradually how to handle such situations by helping, advising and especially having a lot of patience towards them. I understand that we should be more informed and educated concerning this topic, because lately we live in a world where we only worry about ourselves and we do not realize that the person next to us may be suffering or fighting this mental illness. This is a very serious issue because not everyone handles situations in the same way and many of these cases end in suicide.

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