Sunday, April 12, 2015

Bipolarity Disorder in Children

Bipolarity is a mental disorder marked by episodes of mania and depression. In children, the disorder can be much difficult to define and treat. Bipolarity can be seen as a series of outbursts and tantrums that may be daily or temporary and in disproportionately form, compared to other children who do not suffer from this disorder. A child with bipolarity can be identified for their constant tantrums; the face change, look constantly at the floor, roll their eyes almost blank, clench their fists and make grunting; in some cases. The change in the mood is another factor, first it’s happy and calm and suddenly the mood changes drastically, can get depressed and enrage for not understanding what is happening.

They are by episodic nature, meaning they begin to have manic and depressive episodes. When they are angry, they do not measure what they say or do because it is hard for them to control it on their own, and may even cause harm not only to itself but also to others. The worst thing of all is that these children can destroy the benefits and welfare of their family. The problem of treating children with this disorder is the medication, because this has to be treated with so much carefulness, although it is proven that sports help them as a therapy.

This mental illness is very worrisome because it plays with the life and innocence of the children’s. Their lives are like a roller coaster; it goes up and down their emotions so constantly. In consequence of this disorder children’s are being bullied, don’t have friends because other kids don’t know how to handle the episodes situations, they tend to become depressed and find it difficult to be at social events. I remember being in situations in which children have tantrums and outbursts, not saying that necessarily mean they are bipolar but people tend to judge, thinking that is nurturing that is given to the child, without having in mind that the child could be suffering from some type of disorder, that’s why it is so important to be informed.

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