Sunday, April 5, 2015


The concept of psychosis is used to refer to those mental disorders characterized by some loss of contact with reality. When a person suffers from this type of disorder is said that the person had a psychotic episode. Psychosis is a common disorder that affects mostly young adults. Often cause changes in mood and mindset, causing abnormal ideas and this make it difficult to understand what the person with the disease is felling.

This disorder can be identified by the following symptoms: confused thoughts, false beliefs, hallucinations, emotional changes and perceptual and behavioral changes. It’s important to emphasize that psychosis affects each person differently. This is extremely complex, since there are to many different types of psychosis, which differs each one and have different ways to be treated. Some of these might be: drug-induced psychosis, organic psychosis, brief reactive psychosis, delusional disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, bipolar disorder and finally psychotic depression.

This disorder is extremely complex and the strangest thing is that it can come from nowhere. I don’t know anyone who suffers from this disorder, but I've seen so to many movies, read about cases, as I have also read articles regarding this and I find psychosis in general extremely fascinating. It is so different to read the information that Internet provided to us and compare it to real complex cases of people who suffer from this disorder, because the Internet makes you see this problem as something appease and normal, but the reality is different. The problem is that many people with this disease do not seek for help, don’t have any professional help or simply do not follow their treatment or don’t take the medications. As a result of this, the disorder may increase to the point of putting at risk the lives of others or putting the person own life at risk.  

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